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The Secret Heroes of Winter Colorado's Wind and Snow Fences

September 2, 2024

Long sections of wooden fences bordering the highways caught our attention as we traveled through Colorado. We chose to look into the fences because we had no idea what they were there for, and we figured others might not either. Known as wind and snow fences, these modest structures may not catch your eye as much as the majestic Rocky Mountains, but they are vital to maintaining the safety of Colorado roads and the state's environment in the winter. So what did we find out about these structures?. We are glad you asked because we now have answers.

What Are Wind and Snow Fences?

Wind and snow fences are carefully placed barriers designed to manage the flow of snow and wind across the landscape. They come in various forms—wooden slats, metal grids, or even rows of trees and shrubs. The purpose of these fences is not just aesthetic but deeply practical. By controlling how wind interacts with the ground, these fences help prevent snow from drifting onto roads and accumulating in ways that can create dangerous driving conditions.

How Do They Work?

At first glance, it might seem like these fences simply block the snow from crossing them. But the science behind their design is far more fascinating. Wind and snow fences work by slowing down the wind as it approaches the fence. When the wind speed decreases, it loses its ability to carry as much snow, causing the snow to drop to the ground in a controlled manner. This prevents the formation of large snowdrifts in unwanted areas, such as roads, driveways, or other critical spaces.

The placement of these fences is strategic. Engineers and environmental scientists study wind patterns, snowfall data, and topography to determine the most effective locations for the fences. By placing them at just the right angle and distance from the road or structure they’re protecting, they can ensure the snow drops in a safe, predetermined zone.

Fun Fact: Wind and Snow Fences Aren’t Just for Snow!

While their name suggests a focus on snow, these fences are also used to control wind erosion. In areas with loose, sandy soil, strong winds can create dust storms that reduce visibility and cause respiratory issues for people and animals. Wind fences help stabilize the soil, reducing the impact of wind erosion and keeping the environment healthier.

Colorado’s Winter Warriors

In a state like Colorado, where winter can be both breathtaking and brutal, wind and snow fences are unsung heroes. They help keep our highways clear, reduce the need for snow removal, and even protect wildlife habitats from being buried under deep snow. So, the next time you see one of these fences, take a moment to appreciate the simple yet effective engineering that makes winter in Colorado a little more manageable—and a lot safer!

We don't plan to face the chills of a Colorado winter any time soon, but you never know where our nomadic lifestyle may lead us, and now we know the purpose of the fences, and you do too!

Thank you for following our nomad journey, and if you are interested in living the nomad lifestyle, we can help you get started. Send us an email at

Until next time...

Stay safe,

Kirsten & Mack