We departed Winstar Casino in Thackerville, Oklahoma on October 29th after a 2 night stay and headed to Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma City, OK.
The fam camp at Tinker Air Force Base was much smaller than we had anticipated, and the spaces were tight. There is a beautiful small pond on property for those that like to fish.

The laundry room and bathroom were well-maintained. During our 3 day stay at the park, it rained quite a bit , so we did not take many pictures of the park.
This stop was less about the park and more about love and connection with family and friends.
It was nice that we were able to be part of the birthday celebration for Isaac and Stephanie and to enjoy the delicious dinner prepared by cousin Iris.

We were able to visit Aunt Catherine Robinson at the Rehab Center where she was being treated for a back injury. It was nice to be able to spend time with her, we had some great laughs and deep conversation about life. These moments are precious and we are so thankful for them.

Mack was able to connect with his Company Commander after 30 years. They shared Army stories and had good laughs.

We drove to downtown Oklahoma City where we visited the Oklahoma City National Memorial.
We were very moved by our visit to the memorial. This memorial is very well-designed and clearly explains what happened that day. You can feel the emotions of the day and learn how this horrible event transpired through the displays and information shared. Below are just a few of the images we captured.

The Outdoor Symbolic Memorial is free and open 24 hours a day. Hours for the Memorial Museum are 9:00AM to 5:00PM Monday through Saturday, and 12:00PM to 5:00PM on Sundays.
There is a military discount and tickets can be purchased on line or at the museum.
We enjoyed our visit with family and friends and are thankful for the time spent.
We hope to return to Oklahoma for the National African American RVers Association conference next year.