On Sunday May 9th we headed out on our 2021 Summer RV Tour. The last few weeks we have been busy prepping for our trip.
We wanted to get a few things done before we begin to move more frequently so, we headed to the Safe - T - Plus factory in GA to have a steering control unit installed. You can purchase the unit online, at a retailer or factory direct. We are going the factory direct route. We are hoping this will allow for an easier smooth ride and limit the amount of play in steering when we experience high winds and heavy semi traffic. We figured out that purchasing at the factory is cost effective.
When you choose the factory direct option you can park and camp out at their facility, and they have coffee and beverages available for you and your family. They are a pet-friendly business, so you can bring your extended family members with you. Your new Safe T Plus Steering Control unit will be installed by factory technicians, followed by a road test to ensure Safe T Plus is perfectly centered and tracking straight to your satisfaction. We will share our campaing and installation experience in a separate blog post.
Before heading out to Saft-T-Plus, we (meaning Mack) thoroughly washed Big Baby. After sitting for 2 months at Warthen RV Park in Warthen, GA we had quite the build up of dust and pollen.

We are hoping to connect with more of you as we travel and added our social media details to Lil Baby. If you see us driving by, don't be shy give us a shout out. Connecting with others on this adventure is making our journey sweeter.

Earlier this month we had a little hiccup with our shower. We discovered that there is a tiny space between the floor and the pipe in our shower, if we step to close to the drain the pipe under the shower hits the floor and cracks (poor design).
The Tractor Supply store in Sandersville, GA helped us by custom building a new piece for us the new piece gives us more space between the floor and pipe. We purchased a backup custom built pipe just in case we have the same issue while on the road this summer.

We made sure to thoroughly clean and flush our black tank and check the health of our our tires.
We also completed the usual steps on our checklist. If you would like a copy of our checklist you can download it here

Getting ready to hit the road is exciting and we look forward to a fun filled summer. We invite you to follow along and stay connected with us. If we are camping near you please reach out to us and let's plan to get together.