When we started exploring the RV Lifestyle, we depended heavily on YouTube. I was inspired by Robin of RV Creativity when I watched her TED Talk about the switch to a Nomad Lifestyle.
Today I watched that video again and it motivated me to sit down and write today's post.
The question Robin asks in the vide of her TED Talk is:
“If you had 2 years to live would you keep your current job?”.
I pose that same question to you.
“If you had 2 years to live would you keep your current job?”
Here I am writing this post (working) on Sunday afternoon at exactly 12:34 pm ET inside of my screened in office in the great outdoors. The birds are chirping and there is a light breeze. I am happy to be writing this post while I sip on my cup of hot black coffee on Sunday afternoon.

I am excited about tomorrow being Monday and the opportunity to help more people eat healthier, move their bodies and make the necessary steps in their life towards their life transformation.
Quite truthfully I am happy for every day because I no longer exist for Friday.
A few years ago my Sunday afternoons looked a lot different. I would spend Sunday doing laundry, going to the grocery store, prepping meals for the week, and experiencing negative emotions all day Sunday about Monday.
When I think about it I spent a lot of time being negative about a day that God had not blessed me to live yet. (Geesh girl, do better)
Your dream lifestyle might not be to work virtually as a Nomad on the road but whatever your dream lifestyle may be, you can have it and you will have it sooner rather than later if you permit yourself to do so.
The choice is yours. Money does not buy it. Time does not stop for it. It's a choice.
Will it be easy? Almost absolutely not. Will there be mistakes made along the way? Of course there will be. You will encounter times when you are hesitant and doubt yourself, but understand that this is normal and is often attributed to fear sneaking in.
So again, I ask you:
“If you had 2 years to live would you keep your current job?”
If you answered yes, awesome you are right where you want to be.
If you answered no and would like to speak with me about how I can be a guide on your journey to making a lifestyle change email me and let’s talk about it: kirsten@movewithmack.com
Have a great week.
Love ❤️
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P.P.S.Here Robin’s TED Talk that inspired me.