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E-Bike Maintenance and Riding Tips

As full-time RVers, e-bikes are a fantastic way to explore new destinations and enjoy the freedom of the open road.

June 18, 2024

We have talked about getting e-bikes since we first started our full-time RV Journey back in 2020. Fast forward to 2024 and we now have our e-bikes. When we upgraded to Baby Baby, our Ford Ranger, our next step was getting a second e-bike to take with us on the road. We love how they fold up and fit nicely in the back of the truck.

Our e-bikes are the perfect addition; they allow us to get out and explore in a whole new way. To keep our e-bike in top shape and ensure a safe riding experience, we follow these maintenance and riding tips.

Maintenance Tips:

  1. Regular Inspections: Check our e-bike’s tires, brakes, chain, and battery before each ride. Look for wear and tear, and ensure everything is functioning correctly.
  2. Battery Care: Charge our batteries regularly and avoid letting them drop below 20%. Store them in a cool, dry place, and never expose them to extreme temperatures.
  3. Cleanliness: We clean our e-bike after every ride, especially if we've been through dirt or rain. We use a damp cloth to wipe down the frame, and a soft brush for the chain and gears.
  4. Lubrication: Apply lubricant to the chain and moving parts to prevent rust and ensure smooth operation. Be sure to wipe off excess lubricant to avoid attracting dirt.

Riding Tips:

  1. Plan Our Route: We use apps or maps to plan your rides, considering bike-friendly paths and avoiding heavy traffic.
  2. Safety Gear: We always wear a helmet and bright, reflective clothing. Use lights and bells to increase visibility and communicate with other road users.
  3. Pedal Assist: We utilize the pedal-assist feature to conserve battery life, especially on longer rides. Adjust the assist level based on the terrain and our comfort. We make sure that pedal assist is off when we begin our ride.
  4. Stay Alert: We make sure that we are aware of our surroundings, watching for obstacles, and obeying traffic laws. We keep an eye on our speed, especially in unfamiliar areas.

We love riding our e-bikes and we hope that these maintenance and riding tips help you.

Leave us comment and let us know if you have an e-bike and feel free to share any tips you may have.

Safe Travels,

Kirsten & Mack